Privacy Principles:
The Privacy Policy, which specifies the current rules regarding the confidentiality, protection, and other related issues of the information provided by our members-customers to our site ("Our Site"), has been adopted.
Necessary measures for the security of the information and transactions entered on our site have been taken on the system and internet infrastructure by DR MOM HAND ORGANIC COSMETICS LTD and/or the relevant Card Organizations, depending on the nature of the information and transaction. All credit card transactions and approvals are carried out online between you and the relevant Bank and similar Card Organizations independently of us. (Information such as credit card passwords are not seen or recorded by DR MOM HAND ORGANIC COSMETICS LTD) The transfer of this information is carried out with SSL-Based 128-Bit encryption.
The information entered by our customers for membership, product/service purchase, and information update purposes, especially confidential information about credit and bank cards, cannot be viewed by other internet users.
Information belonging to our members-customers may be disclosed to relevant organizations within the framework of our responsibilities stipulated by legal regulations.
Additionally, the contact information and other information provided during their membership and/or shopping can be recorded indefinitely, stored, processed, shared, and used as necessary by DR MOM HAND ORGANIC COSMETICS LTD for the execution, updating, provision/sale of various products/services by Dr. Mom Hand Inc. and its business partners and suppliers, collection of product/service fees-expenses, and various promotion, advertisement, communication, SMS and email sending, sales and carding applications. By approving this information, the customer is deemed to have given permission for the sending of various promotions, advertisements, and marketing purposes, as well as store card, credit card, and membership information, transaction, and applications via SMS, push notification, customer call, and email.
For any reason, if you want to stop receiving communications from the DR MOM HAND ORGANIC COSMETICS LTD brand, for which Dr. Mom Hand Inc. is the Turkey distributor, you can easily unsubscribe from the membership system via SMS and email channels.
Customers can request written information free of charge to learn what information is stored about them at DR MOM HAND ORGANIC COSMETICS LTD Your requests for possible corrections, blocking, or deletion of information are processed immediately to the extent prescribed by law. If you have any other questions about the protection and security of information, you can always reach us using our email address.
In cases where our site provides links to other internet-websites, the privacy-security policy and terms of use of those sites apply to all usage and transactions; DR MOM HAND ORGANIC COSMETICS LTD is not responsible for any disputes, material or moral damages, and losses that may arise from the use of information from other websites accessed through our site for advertising, banners, content viewing, or any other purpose, as well as due to the ethical principles, privacy-security principles, service quality, and other practices of those sites. You can consult Dr. Mom Hand through the communication methods specified on our site for additional information on the subjects you want to know more about.

DR MOM HAND ORGANIC COSMETICS LTD (hereinafter referred to as Dr. Mom Hand), we can process the personal data of our customers and visitors through our website as a data controller within the scope of the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698. With this clarification text, we inform you about our mutual rights and obligations in accordance with the provisions of the Law.

Your Personal Data, Methods of Obtaining, and Purposes of Processing
Your personal information; is automatically obtained electronically directly from you when you visit our website, become a member of Dr. Mom Hand Club Card, share in phone or email correspondences, subscribe to our e-newsletter, have conversations/shares with our Customer Service over the phone, fill out contact or appointment forms, fill out a job application form from the career section, purchase goods or services from Dr. Mom Hand, or otherwise enter into a commercial or legal relationship with Dr. Mom Hand. From this data; identity information (name, surname, gender) primarily; your contact information (email address, address and phone information, IP address), data related to the product you purchased within the scope of Dr. Mom Hand's field of activity, your audio data recorded in conversations with Customer Service, will be processed by Dr. Mom Hand within the framework of the legal compliance reasons specified in Article 5, Paragraph 2 of the Law, for the establishment, execution, and fulfillment of the product sales contract and legal obligations, management of requests and complaints, as well as within our legitimate interest provided that it does not harm your personal rights; your date of birth information will be processed based on your explicit consent for the purpose of offering you special campaigns. Within the scope of the job application form you filled out from the career section, your identity, contact, education, and professional data will be processed based on your explicit consent. Additionally, if you participate in the e-newsletter subscription, your identity and contact information obtained from you can also be processed based on your explicit consent and electronic commercial communications can be sent to you.

Our main data processing purposes;
Conducting Goods / Services Sales Processes, Conducting After-Sales Support Services, Conducting Finance And Accounting Works, Conducting Loyalty Processes For Company / Products / Services, Conducting Customer Relationship Management Processes, Conducting Activities Aimed At Customer Satisfaction, Conducting Marketing Analysis Studies, Conducting Advertising / Campaign / Promotion Processes, Providing Information To Authorized Persons, Institutions, And Organizations, Tracking Requests / Complaints, Conducting Activities In Compliance With The Legislation, Conducting Communication and Information Security Activities / Managing Human Resources Processes

Legal Reasons for Processing Personal Data
For your personal data that do not fall under one of the legal compliance reasons specified in Article 5/2 of the Law and stated above, we will request your explicit consent due to legal obligation and to be able to send you commercial electronic communications (SMS, email). After accepting the membership conditions on our website, if you find it appropriate, you can complete your permission processes by marking the relevant boxes for explicit consent in accordance with this clarification text and pressing the register button.
Your identity (Name, Surname) and contact information (Phone, mobile phone, Email address) will be processed within the scope of your commercial electronic communication permission, for the purpose of sending you advertisements, campaigns, and other commercial communications related to our products and services. You can give your commercial electronic communication permission by checking the box in the relevant area on our website and pressing the register button.

Data Sharing
The personal data specified here by Dr. Mom Hand, in accordance with the security and confidentiality principles determined by the legislation, with adequate and effective measures taken; may be transferred to public institutions or organizations authorized to request this data due to legal obligations, to the Dr. Mom Hand group of companies to which our company belongs, to our business partners, suppliers, third parties from whom we receive services or with whom we cooperate, such as cargo, banking, information processing service companies, companies from which SMS and email sending services are received, financial audit companies, survey companies, for the purposes of processing specified above within the scope of Article 8 of the Law.

Your Rights Under the Law
As related persons, you can submit your requests regarding your rights by filling out the personal data application form shared with the public on the website or with another document containing your mandatory information written in the application form, in writing or by using your registered electronic mail (KEP) address, secure electronic signature, mobile signature, or the electronic mail address previously notified to Dr. Mom Hand and registered in Dr. Mom Hand's system, to or in writing to the postal address specified below. Dr. Mom Hand will conclude the request free of charge as soon as possible and within thirty days at the latest, depending on the nature of the request. However, if the transaction requires an additional cost, the fee in the tariff determined by the Personal Data Protection Board will be charged by Dr. Mom Hand. In this context, related persons have the right to;
Learn whether personal data is processed, If personal data has been processed, request information regarding this, Learn the purpose of processing personal data and whether they are used in accordance with their purpose, Know the third parties to whom personal data is transferred domestically or abroad, Request the correction of personal data if it is incomplete or incorrectly processed and request the notification of the transaction made within this scope to the third parties to whom personal data is transferred, Even though it has been processed in accordance with the provisions of the Law No. 6698 and other relevant laws, request the deletion or destruction of personal data in the event that the reasons requiring its processing cease to exist and request the notification of the transaction made within this scope to the third parties to whom personal data is transferred, Object to the emergence of a result against the person himself/herself by analyzing the processed data exclusively through automated systems, Request the compensation of the damage in case of damage due to the unlawful processing of personal data.
For comprehensive information about your personal data, you can review the PERSONAL DATA PRIVACY POLICY on the website.